
WMZ: Z087754155981 (USD)
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Balabolka Programa para serviços de síntese de voz online

The command line application allows to use online text-to-speech services: text files or subtitles can be converted to audio files. The utility can be used for testing purposes: it will help you to choose a cloud computing service that satisfies your needs. The separate application for Yandex SpeechKit is available for downloading, because Yandex is the Russian IT company with close government ties.

Utility for Online Text-To-Speech Using

Online services with speech technologies:

  • Google Cloud Text-to-Speech;
  • Amazon Polly;
  • Baidu Text-to-Speech;
  • CereVoice Cloud;
  • IBM Watson Text-to-Speech;
  • Iciba Text-to-Speech;
  • iTranslate Text-to-Speech;
  • Microsoft Azure;
  • Naver Text-to-Speech;
  • Youdao Text-to-Speech;
  • Yandex SpeechKit.

Baixar o programa BAL4WEB

Tamanho: MB
Versão: Registro de alterações
Licença: Freeware
Sistema operacional:
Command Line Utility for Yandex SpeechKit Using: Baixar ( MB)
The program converts text or subtitles to audio files by using of the Yandex service.
To perform operations via the Yandex API, it is necessary to authenticate using an API-key.

Linha de comando

The utility handles various command line parameters to be able to read text aloud or save as an audio file. The command line options use the syntax "bal4web [options ...]", all parameters must be separated by a space. Options can appear in any order on the command line so long as they are paired with their related parameters. Use the "bal4web -?" command line to get help on the command line syntax and parameters.

-s service_name
Sets the name of the online TTS service ("google" or "g", "amazon" or "a", "baidu" or "b", "cerevoice" or "c", "ibm" or "i", "iciba" or "k", "itranslate" or "t", "microsoft" or "m", "naver" or "n", "youdao" or "y"). The default is "google".
-l language_name
Sets the language name for the online TTS service. The name is a combination of an ISO 639 two-letter lowercase culture code associated with a language and an ISO 3166 two-letter uppercase subculture code associated with a country or region.
For example: pt-BR, de-DE, fr-FR. The default is "en-US".
-g gender
Sets the gender for the online TTS service (if supported). The available values: "female" or "f", "male" or "m". The default value is not defined. This parameter is supported by services: Amazon Polly, CereProc TTS, Google TTS, IBM Watson TTS, iTranslate TTS, Microsoft Azure, Naver TTS.
-n nome_da_voz
Sets the voice name for the online TTS service (if supported). The default value is not defined. This parameter is supported by services Amazon Polly, CereProc TTS, Google Cloud TTS, IBM Watson TTS, Microsoft Azure, Naver TTS.
-r speech_rate
Sets the rate of the synthesized speech (if supported). The default is "1.0" (average human speech rate).
For Amazon Polly the rate values range from "0.20" to "2.00".
For CereProc TTS the rate values range from "0.30" to "4.00".
For Google TTS and Microsoft Azure the rate values range from "0.10" to "3.00".
For IBM Watson TTS the rate values range from "0.30" to "3.00".
For iTranslate TTS the rate values range from "0.50" to "2.00".
For Naver TTS the rate values range from "0.50" to "1.50".
-p número
Sets the speaking pitch in a range of -20 to 20 (if supported). The default is 0.
This option is supported by Amazon Polly, CereProc TTS, Google Cloud TTS, IBM Watson, Microsoft Azure.
-v número
Definir o volume na faixa de 0 a 200 (o padrão é 100).
Prints the list of supported languages (genders and voices' names, if available) for the online TTS service.
-f nome_do_arquivo
Sets the name of the input text file. The command line may contain few options -f.
-fl nome_do_arquivo
Sets the name of the text file with the list of input files (one file name per line). The command line may contain few options -fl.
-w nome_do_arquivo
Sets the name of the output file in WAV format.
Gets the text input from the clipboard.
-t linha_de_texto
Gets the text input from the command line. The command line may contain few options -t.
Gets the text input from STDIN.
Writes sound data to STDOUT; if the option is specified, the option -w is ignored.
--encoding codificação ou -enc codificação
Sets the input text encoding ("ansi", "utf8" or "unicode"). The default is "ansi".
--silence-begin número ou -sb número
Especificar a duração da pausa no início do ficheiro áudio (em milissegundos). O padrão é 0.
--silence-end número ou -se número
Especificar a duração da pausa no final de um ficheiro áudio (em milissegundos). O padrão é 0.
-ln número
Selects a line from the text file by using of a line number. The line numbering starts at "1". The interval of numbers can be used for selecting of more than one line (for example, "26-34"). The command line may contain few options -ln.
-e número
Sets the length of pauses between sentences (in milliseconds). The value should be set less than 5000. If the option is not specified, the service will use the default pauses between sentences. This parameter is supported by Microsoft Azure only.
-d nome_do_arquivo
Applies a dictionary for pronunciation correction (*.BXD, *.DIC or *.REX). The command line may contain few options -d.
Creates the LRC file. Lyrics will be synchronized with the speech in the output audio file.
Creates the SRT file. Subtitles will be synchronized with the speech in the output audio file.
Input text will be processed as subtitles. The option may be useful, when the options -i or -c are specified.
-host host_name
Sets the hostname of the proxy server.
-port número
Sets the port number of the proxy server.
-fr número
Sets the output audio sampling frequency in kHz (8, 11, 16, 22, 24, 32, 44, 48). If the option is not specified, the default value for the selected serice will be used.
--ignore-square-brackets ou -isb
Ignore text in [square brackets].
--ignore-curly-brackets ou -icb
Ignore text in {curly brackets}.
--ignore-angle-brackets ou -iab
Ignore text in <angle brackets>.
--ignore-round-brackets ou -irb
Ignore text in (round brackets).
--ignore-url ou -iu
Ignore URLs.
--ignore-comments ou -ic
Ignore comments in text. Single-line comments start with // and continue until the end of the line. Multiline comments start with /* and end with */.
Display progress information in a console window.
-cfg nome_do_arquivo
Sets the name of the configuration file with the command line options (a text file where each line contains one option). If the option is not specified, the file bal4web.cfg in the same folder as the utility will be used.
Prints the list of available command line options.
--lrc-length número
Especificar o comprimento máximo de cordas para ficheiro de formato LRC (em caracteres).
--lrc-fname nome_do_arquivo
Nome de ficheiro do formato LRC. A opção pode ser útil em casos em que a linha de comando estiver definido o parámetro -o.
--lrc-enc codificação
Codificação de ficheiro do formato LRC ("ansi", "utf8" ou "unicode"). O valor padrão é "ansi".
--lrc-offset número
Especificar a mudança da hora no ficheiro do formato LRC (em milissegundos).
--lrc-artist texto
Etiqueta para ficheiro do formato LRC: intérprete da obra.
--lrc-album texto
Etiqueta para ficheiro do formato LRC: álbum.
--lrc-title texto
Etiqueta para ficheiro do formato LRC: título da obra.
--lrc-author texto
Etiqueta para ficheiro do formato LRC: autor.
--lrc-creator texto
Etiqueta para ficheiro do formato LRC: criador do ficheiro.
Inserts blank lines after sentences when creating the LRC file.
Inserts blank lines after paragraphs when creating the LRC file.
--srt-length número
Especificar o comprimento máximo de cordas para ficheiro de formato SRT (em caracteres).
--srt-fname nome_do_arquivo
Nome de ficheiro do formato SRT. A opção pode ser útil em casos em que a linha de comando estiver definido o parámetro -o.
--srt-enc codificação
Codificação de ficheiro do formato SRT ("ansi", "utf8" ou "unicode"). O valor padrão é "ansi".
Gravar áudio no formato PCM RAW; os dados não contêm título do formato WAV. Esta opção é utilizada em conjunto com -o.
--ignore-length ou -il
Não inscrever o tamanho dos dados de áudio no título do formato WAV. Esta opção é utilizada em conjunto com -o.
Use the WebSocket protocol for Microsoft Azure. It allows to improve sound quality of audio files (24 KHz instead of 16 KHz). The option is ignored if the subscription key for the Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services is defined. Use the option -m to check if a voice supports the WebSocket protocol or not.
--sub-format texto
Formato dos subtítulos ("srt", "lrc", "ssa", "ass", "smi" ou "vtt"). Se não for especificado, o formato será determinado pela extensão do nome do ficheiro de subtítulos.
--sub-fit ou -sf
Automatically increases the speech rate to fit time intervals (when the program converts subtitles to audio file). The application increments the speech rate value step by step, checking whether the text fits within the given time interval or not.
--sub-fit-lib ou -sfl
Automatically increases the speech rate to fit time intervals (when the program converts subtitles to audio file). The SoundTouch library will be used for changing tempo.

--aws-keyid texto ou -ak texto
Sets AWS access key ID for the Amazon Polly. It is recommended to apply such key if you have it.
--aws-secret texto ou -as texto
Sets AWS secret access key for the Amazon Polly.
--aws-region texto ou -ar texto
Sets AWS region for the Amazon Polly.
--crv-email texto ou -ce texto
Sets the email address used when registering on the CereProc website. This information is necessary for CereVoice Cloud API authorization. It is recommended to apply such email if you have it.
--crv-pwd texto ou -cp texto
Sets the password used when registering on the CereProc website. This information is necessary for CereVoice Cloud API authorization. It is recommended to apply such password if you have it.
--gc-apikey texto ou -gk texto
Sets API key ID for the Google Cloud. It is recommended to apply such key if you have it.
--ms-apikey texto ou -mk texto
Sets the subscription key for the Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services. It is recommended to apply such key if you have it.
--ms-region texto ou -mr texto
Sets the subscription region for the Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services.

Exemplo de comandos

Create the text file LANGUAGE.TXT with the list of all supported languages and genders for the Google TTS service:

bal4web -s Google -m > language.txt

Convert text from BOOK.TXT to speech and save as BOOK.WAV:

bal4web -f "d:\Text\book.txt" -w "d:\Sound\book.wav" -s Google -l en-US -g female

Convert subtitles to speech and save as MOVIE.WAV:

bal4web -f "d:\Subtitles\" -w "d:\Sound\movie.wav" -s m -l de-DE -n Conrad -r 1.1

bal4web -f "d:\Subtitles\" -w "d:\Sound\movie.wav" -s m -l de-DE -n Conrad -sub-fit-lib

The example of use together with LAME.EXE:

bal4web -f d:\book.txt -s Baidu -l en-US -o --raw | lame -r -s 16 -m m -h - d:\book.mp3

The example of use together with OGGENC2.EXE:

bal4web -f d:\book.txt -s Baidu -l en-US -o -il | oggenc2 --ignorelength - -o d:\book.ogg

Arquivo de configuração

É possível salvar o arquivo de configuração "bal4web.cfg" na mesma pasta que o aplicativo de console.

Um exemplo do conteúdo do arquivo:

-f d:\Text\book.txt
-w d:\Sound\book.wav
-s Google
-l de-DE
-g female
-d d:\Dict\rules.bxd
--lrc-length 75
--lrc-enc utf8

O programa pode combinar opções do arquivo de configuração e da linha de comando.


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